CyberTrain eLearning provides a great return on investment.
Buy Once - use multiple times
Project Team - accelerate requirements, make better workshop decisions
Test Team - train your testers to avoid User Error during UAT
Implementation - training management, support and end users
Refresher - always available refresher training that allows users to quickly jump between topics
New Employees - training new employers
No Travel Costs
eLearning Return on Investment (ROI) Examples:
The eLearning/Web-based TRaining (WBT) products provide a great ROI for clients and dhown below.
Client with 1,000 support users to train purchase a standard out-of-the-box (OOB) services Desk course can training users fr under $20 per person for the Overview, Incident & Problem Management courses. If you have 2500 students, you could train all of them on the entire ITSM Suite for $50 per student.
Clients with 5,000 external customers to train purchase a Customized Services Request Management (SRM) course for $5-$10 per student.
Below are examples of ROI for Instructor-led classes versus eLearning Web-based Training.
Click image for larger view.

Held onsite and only instructor traveling. Includes 10 classes with 20 students per class.

Classes held onsite with students traveling.

Free eLearning ROI Calculators
You may be surprised at the large return on investment eLearning course offer. Here is a list, courtesy of eLearning Industry of Free eLearning ROI Calculators.
The first 10 Free elearning ROI calculators are web based and the rest 5 are downloadable files. Looking to get started? We're here to help!